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Mayfair Witches Family Tree

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25 November 2008

Click Here to Read About the Origin of the Name 'Mayfair'

The Lineage of the Legacy Witches

The Lineage of the Legacy Mayfair Witches

Click Thumbnail Image to View on YouTube

A video showing the lineage of the thirteen Designees of the Legacy from Suzanne to Rowan Mayfair

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The Mayfair Family Tree and Family Tree Maker

Mayfair Family Tree

There is just no way anyone could ever attempt to duplicate Mona Mayfair's genealogy charts.  Katherine Ramsland didn't and I'm not going to, either.  So what I did was create three different trees.  One of Rowan, which goes all the way back to Suzanne Mayfair, one of Michael which goes back to Julien, and one of Mona, which in fact goes back to Marie-Claudette and Lestan. 

DNA Tree

I have been working on a family tree of the Mayfair Witches using my own software. I use Family Tree Maker and will use this instead of due to the fact that these are fictional characters, NOT real people.

The software can show all the ways two people on a tree are related to one another. That is important to show with the Mayfair Witches.

FTM can also generate charts and reports which can be exported as PDF documents. Each Mayfair Relatedness page of the Parlor has a full (and enormously sized) pedigree chart. Each Legacy Mayfair Witch has her own profile avatar, and other avatars indicate different lines. Links to each character's Mayfair Relatedness page can be found below in the accordion menu.

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The Parlor's Original Pedigree Charts

The original PDFs of Rowan, Michael and Mona's pedigree charts I created in 2008 are being moved to the Downloads section on Chronicles of the Mayfair Witches, the Parlor's site for its larger digital footprint. You will find the link to the site in the navigation menu at the top of each page of the Parlor.

More detailed trees for Rowan, Michael, Mona, and Merrick Mayfair can be found on the pages of the Parlor listed below:

See Also:

Mayfair Relatedness: Rowan Mayfair
Mayfair Relatedness: Michael Curry
Mayfair Relatedness: Mona Mayfair
Mayfair Relatedness: Merrick Mayfair

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The Mayfair Tree by Katherine Ramsland

Mayfair Family Tree Ramsland

This didn't come out as well as I'd hoped it would, but I managed to make an image with a transparent background of the family tree displayed in The Witches' Companion. Instead of sections of the family tree, I wanted to display this one, which is handy when applying averages from the above charts.

Turning Rowan Mayfair's family tree to where it moves upward instead of strictly pedigree only, the bottom left corner will show you where in the tree each view is. An ancestor can appear several times in the same person's family tree if the person has more than one distinct line of descent from that ancestor.

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The Men of the Mayfair Witches

Without a doubt, the Mayfairs have had to marry men who had no blood relation to them whatsoever to sustain the line.  Without this "fresh blood", the piling of too many recessive genes would undoubtedly have caused the early demise of the Mayfair line by producing offspring that could not survive to reproduce.  Lasher no doubt planned it this way; as much as he had closely related people having children together, he also needed a way to introduce genes into the line that would keep them alive.  Here is a list of the men, the "eunuch husbands" as Michael Curry called them, who either married into the Mayfair line or fathered children by them:

Petyr van Abel

Perhaps a stroke of luck on Deborah's part that his arrival in Scotland resulted in her being whisked away to Amsterdam. It is clear from his own supernatural gifts, though, that he had inherited traits that could be passed on, comingled with Deborah's own abilities, to produce a line of witches. His later coupling with his own daughter, Charlotte, as well as the coupling of their fraternal twin children, Jeanne Louise and Peter, virtually guaranteed that these traits would remain in the family genetics for generations to come.

He was a Dutchman, making the beginning of the Mayfair line Scottish-Dutch in ancestry.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

Rose Trees

Vincente St. Christophe

He married Angelique Mayfair, the daughter of fraternal twins Jeanne Louise and Peter Mayfair. She is a product of double incest; therefore, a pairing with another relative would surely either produce a child unable to thrive or a Taltos.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

Rose Trees

Henri Landry

His marriage to Marie Claudette Mayfair, the daughter of Angelique, further ensured that their children would survive to continue the Mayfair line. It was he and St. Christophe who introduced French ancestry into the Mayfair line.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

Rose Trees

Tyrone McNamara

The first Irishman in the line, he is the father of Julien and Remy Mayfair, born to Marguerite Mayfair, who was the daughter of Marie Claudette. It is from this ancestor that Mayfairs inherited their tendency to sing softly, as Michael Curry shares with Lestat in Blood Canticle. McNamara was a musician well known in his native Ireland, and Julien and Remy might have inherited some of his musical talents and passed them on by teaching them to their descendants.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

Rose Trees

Arlington Kerr

Another Irishman, he fathers Katherine Mayfair by Marguerite. He disappears six months after the marriage, and Katherine would grow up without him. He and McNamara introduce Irish ancestry into the line of the Mayfair family.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

Rose Trees

Darcy Monahan

Also Irish, he marries Katherine, and it is with her that he builds the First Street house. By Katherine, he fathers Clay and Vincent Mayfair, who in turn produce more Mayfair descendants. However, it is by Julien, her half-brother, that she gives birth to Mary Beth Mayfair more than ten months after the death of Monahan of yellow fever.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

Rose Trees

Daniel McIntyre

With Mary Beth, he fathers Carlotta and Lionel Mayfair. Though it is confirmed that not only is Mary Beth's daughter Stella in fact Julien's daughter/granddaughter, but that Julien's son Cortland (mother Suzette) fathered Antha Mayfair with Stella. By this time, the pattern of fathering children by witches too close in relation demonstrates that the witch born of the union tends to be rather weak in terms of power. At this point in the line of witches, Mary Beth Mayfair is the only real exception.

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

(Hypothetical: If Lionel Mayfair had been the father of Antha Mayfair, Daniel McIntyre would have been Rowan Mayfair's direct ancestor)

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Rose Trees

Sean Lacy

Antha runs away from First Street to New York City and falls for this painter, with whom she shares an apartment in Greenwich Village. When she discovers she is pregnant, Lacy is not exactly pleased. Upon his death, she is taken back to New Orleans by Carlotta after Amanda Grady Mayfair contacts her. Amanda Grady Mayfair is the estranged wife of Cortland Mayfair and her line is referred to as the "Grady Mayfairs."

Relation to Rowan Mayfair

Relation to Michael Curry

Relation to Mona Mayfair

Back to The Mayfair Men

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