The Mayfair Witches Parlor

Mayfair Relatedness: Rowan Mayfair

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Mayfair Relatedness

Rowan Mayfair

This is what the genealogy software spits up if I try to add Cortland Mayfair as Rowan Mayfair's father if Dierdre Mayfair is her happened with Lionel Mayfair as well...

The family tree maker software has a rather funny way of naming relations. As with any software, and for the Mayfair Family Tree in particular, it's a good idea to go over those definitions and terms.

Don't be shy; if you have any questions or you'd like to make a suggestion, alert me to an OOPSIES, I can be reached by old fashioned email at:

After uploading the Mayfair tree to genealogy software...yep. It choked!

But not completely.

The genealogy software can calculate how two people are related. Setting Rowan Mayfair as the "home person" the calculations are based on how other individuals on the tree are related to her.

Here's the funny part, depending on your sense of humor.

The way the software choked was that it actually would NOT allow Cortland Mayfair to be entered as Rowan's father if Dierdre Mayfair is her mother.

Something similar happened with Stella and Lionel Mayfair (assuming Lionel was, in fact, Antha's father).

Let's have a look at how Mayfairs are related to one another. I use genealogy software that calculates that relatedness and gives a list.

The relationship calculator orders the list from closest to most distant relative. Lines are traced by individual, not by couple. That means that a line of descent is not traced per pair of grandparents, but by each individual one.

The tangled lines of descent are NOT easy to untangle from a list because the calculator does give different names to the same kind of relative. It also runs on the assumption that parents were husband and wife, and prefers to define relatedness in those terms. What I would really like to see if I can do is to perhaps create a tree on the page that is interactive, meaning you can click on arrow buttons or buttons of some type to open up and view all the different lines. Until then, I will try to find ways to better define the relations between all of the Mayfairs.

The Mayfair family tree is actually an excellent example of how lines of descent are traced and why. Each individual grandparent might also be related through another line. It sounds strange, but hopefully, I will find a way to show this in a way that is easier to understand.

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To see the Mayfair Family Tree Avatar Guide, use the drop down menu above or click this link:

Mayfair Family Tree Avatar Guide

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Dr. Rowan Mayfair M.D.

Let's start with Rowan Mayfair. Each person listed here has the way(s) they are related to Rowan Mayfair. For example, Cortland Mayfair is the father of Rowan Mayfair, Michael Curry is the husband of Rowan Mayfair...

If you click on the Adobe Acrobat folder, it will open a PDF of Rowan Mayfair's family tree as an hourglass chart. It is...well, let's just say it took 8 pages to show the entire chart.

There is one chart for Rowan Mayfair showing Lionel Mayfair as the (putative) father of Antha Mayfair, and one showing Cortland Mayfair as the actual father of Antha Mayfair.

Dr Rowan Mayfair MD Hourglass Chart Lionel Mayfair

Lionel Mayfair

Dr Rowan Mayfair MD Hourglass Chart Cortland Mayfair

Cortland Mayfair

The Extended Family Chart for Rowan Mayfair is one I managed to reduce to spread across two pages, but the print might be a bit tiny. As above, there is one chart showing Cortland Mayfair as Antha Mayfair's father, and one showing Lionel Mayfair as Antha's (putative) father:

Dr Rowan Mayfair MD Extended Family Chart Lionel Mayfair

Lionel Mayfair

Dr Rowan Mayfair MD Extended Family Chart Cortland Mayfair

Cortland Mayfair

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AMC Mayfair Family Tree

Cortland Mayfair

***Cortland Mayfair is also the father of Antha Mayfair, making him Rowan Mayfair's Great Grandfather as well as her father...***


Closest Relation:

Great Grandfather
Second Great Uncle

Second Great Uncle of Husband Michael Curry
Second Great Uncle of Stepdaughter Morrigan

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Cortland Mayfair

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Michael Curry


Closest Relation:

1st Cousin 2x Removed
3rd Cousin
3rd Cousin 1x Removed
3rd Cousin 1x Removed
Step 3rd Cousin

Rowan Mayfair
Wife of
Michael Curry

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Mona Mayfair


Closest Relation:

Great Grand Niece
1st Cousin 1x Removed
2nd Cousin 1x Removed
2nd Cousin 2x Removed
2nd Cousin 2x Removed

Mother of Stepdaughter Morrigan
Step 2nd Cousin 1x Removed
Great Grand Niece:

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
Father of
Evelyn Mayfair
Mother of
Laura Lee Mayfair
Mother of
Alicia Mayfair
Mother of
Mona Mayfair

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Tarquin Blackwood


Closest Relation:

1st Cousin 1x Removed
2nd Cousin 1x Removed
2nd Cousin 2x Removed
2nd Cousin 2x Removed

2nd Cousin 1x Removed of Husband Michael Curry
Step 2nd Cousin 1x Removed
1st Cousin 1x Removed:

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
Son of
Julien Mayfair
Father of
Pops Blackwood
Father of
Patricia Blackwood
Mother of
Tarquin Blackwood

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Lionel Mayfair

***Lionel Mayfair is also alleged to be the father of Antha Mayfair although it is Cortland Mayfair who was Antha's father. This is what the tree would look like approximately had Lionel Mayfair been Antha's father.***


Closest Relation:

Great Uncle
Great Grandfather (if he had fathered Antha Mayfair)
1st Cousin

1st Cousin 2x Removed of Husband Michael Curry
Father of 1st Cousin 2x Removed of Husband Michael Curry
2nd Cousin 1x Removed of Husband Michael Curry
Step 2nd Great Uncle of Husband Michael Curry
Great Uncle:

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Dierdre Mayfair
Daughter of
Antha Mayfair
Daughter of
Stella Mayfair
Sister of
Lionel Mayfair

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Suzanne Mayfair


Closest Relation:

Mother-in-Law of 5th Great Grandfather
7th Great Grandmother
7th Great Grandmother
9th Great Grandmother
9th Great Grandmother
10th Great Grandmother
10th Great Grandmother
10th Great Grandmother
10th Great Grandmother

Mother-in-Law of 5th Great Grandfather
Mother-in-Law of 7th Great Grandfather
Mother-in-Law of 7th Great Grandfather
Mother-in-Law of 8th Great Grandfather
Mother-in-Law of 8th Great Grandfather
Mother-in-Law of 8th Great Grandfather
Mother-in-Law of 8th Great Grandfather
9th Great Grandmother of Husband Michael Curry
9th Great Grandmother of Husband Michael Curry
Mother-in-Law of 7th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Mother-in-Law of 7th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
7th Great Grandmother:

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
Son of
Julien Mayfair
Son of
Marguerite Mayfair
Daughter of
Marie Claudette Mayfair
Daughter of
Angelique Mayfair
Daughter of
Jeanne-Louise Mayfair
Daughter of
Charlotte Mayfair
Daughter of
Deborah Mayfair
Daughter of
Suzanne Mayfair

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Petyr van Abel


Closest Relation:

5th Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather
6th Great Grandfather
6th Great Grandfather
7th Great Grandfather
7th Great Grandfather
8th Great Grandfather
8th Great Grandfather
8th Great Grandfather
8th Great Grandfather
8th Great Grandfather
8th Great Grandfather
9th Great Grandfather
9th Great Grandfather
9th Great Grandfather
9th Great Grandfather

7th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
7th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
7th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
8th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
8th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
7th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
8th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
8th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
5th Great Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
Son of
Julien Mayfair
Son of
Marguerite Mayfair
Daughter of
Marie Claudette Mayfair
Daughter of
Angelique Mayfair
Daughter of
Peter Mayfair
Son of
Petyr van Abel

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Vincente St. Christophe


Closest Relation:

3rd Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather
6th Great Grandfather
6th Great Grandfather

Step 2nd Great Grandfather of Father
5th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Step 2nd Great Grandfather of Great Grandmother
Step 2nd Great Grandfather of Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
Great Grandfather of Wife of Husband of 2nd Great Grandmother
Step 2nd Great Grandfather of Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Step 2nd Great Grandfather of Great Grandmother of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
3rd Great Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
son of
Julien Mayfair
son of
Marguerite Mayfair
daughter of
Marie Claudette Mayfair
daughter of
Vincente St. Christophe

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Henri Landry


Closest Relation:

2nd Great Grandfather
4th Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather
5th Great Grandfather

4th Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Maternal Grandfather of Husband of 2nd Great Grandmother
4th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
2nd Great Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
son of
Julien Mayfair
son of
Marguerite Mayfair
daughter of
Henri Landry

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Tyrone McNamara


Closest Relation:

Great Grandfather
3rd Great Grandfather
4th Great Grandfather

3rd Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Great Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
son of
Julien Mayfair
son of
Tyrone McNamara

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Arlington Kerr


Closest Relation:

Husband of Great Grandmother
4th Great Grandfather
4th Great Grandfather

Father-in-Law of Paternal Grandfather
Maternal Grandfather of Wife of Paternal Grandfather
Father-in-Law of 2nd Great Grandfather
Husband of 3rd Great Grandmother
Father-in-Law of 2nd Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Husband of 3rd Great Grandmother of Husband Michael Curry
Maternal Grandfather of Wife of 2nd Great Grandfather of Husband Michael Curry
Father-in-Law of 2nd Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
Husband of 3rd Great Grandmother of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
Maternal Grandfather of Wife of 2nd Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
4th Great Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
daughter of
Dierdre Mayfair
daughter of
Antha Mayfair
daughter of
Stella Mayfair
daughter of
Mary Beth Mayfair
daughter of
Katherine Mayfair
daughter of
Arlington Kerr

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Darcy Monahan


Closest Relation:

Father of Stepson of Paternal Grandfather
Father of Half 3rd Great Uncle
Father of Step 2nd Great Uncle
Father of Half 3rd Great Uncle
4th Great Grandfather of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
Father of Stepson of Husband of 2nd Great Grandmother
Father of Step 2nd Great Uncle of Husband Michael Curry
Father of Stepson of Paternal Grandfather

Rowan Mayfair
Daughter of
Cortland Mayfair
Son of
Julien Mayfair
Partner of
Katherine Mayfair
Mother of
Clay Mayfair
Son of
Darcy Monahan

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Daniel McIntyre

***Daniel McIntyre would be Rowan Mayfair's direct ancestor if Lionel Mayfair had actually been the father of Antha Mayfair.***


Closest Relation:

2nd Great Grandfather
Father of First Cousin
Father of Stepson of Paternal Grandfather
Father of 1st Cousin 2x Removed of Husband Michael Curry
Father of 1st Cousin 2x Removed of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
Father of Step 2nd Great Uncle of Husband Michael Curry
Father of Step 2nd Great Uncle of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
2nd Great Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
daughter of
Dierdre Mayfair
daughter of
Antha Mayfair
daughter of
Lionel Mayfair
son of
Daniel McIntyre

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Sean Lacy


Closest Relation:

Maternal Grandfather
Husband of 1st Cousin
Husband of 1st Cousin 2x Removed of Husband Michael Curry
Husband of 1st Cousin 2x Removed of Stepdaughter Morrigan Mayfair
Maternal Grandfather:

Rowan Mayfair
daughter of
Dierdre Mayfair
daughter of
Sean Lacy

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Whew! I added Petyr van Abel to show how an individual can descend from the same ancestor with more than one individual line of descent. For Rowan Mayfair, this is A LOT of lines from the same ancestor...

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