The Mayfair Witches Parlor

Parlor Specials

The Mayfair Witches Parlor | Remembering Anne Rice | Mayfair Parlor Guidelines | The Mayfair Witches Library: The Books | The Mayfair Witches | Inside First Street | World of the Witches | The Talamasca Files | Mayfair Witches in Pictures | Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches on AMC | Lestat's Parlor | Parlor Specials | Parlor Blueprint: A Site Map

Parlor Specials

This section of the Parlor is for topics not directly Mayfair Witches-related, but can still help inform and entertain in other ways. For example, historical resources, such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Rhode Island "Vampires". Another area is in fan art (but you will NOT find fan fiction here).

Cleopatra's Lighthouse

"Cleopatra's Lighthouse"
Scene from the Parlor's 3D model of Cleopatra gazing across the harbor at the Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria; it was inspired by Ancientvine's "Return to Alexandria" and the planetarium show, "Cleopatra's Universe"
Shown on Facebook May 27, 2024

The pages of the Parlor you will find linked in the dropdown menu above are not necessarily all Mayfair Witches-related. I have many interests, some of which might have elements in common with the Mayfair Witches, the Vampire Chronicles, or other subjects Anne Rice wrote about in her novels. Some might contribute to an aspect of how fans engage with or are inspired by works of fiction, their settings, characters, or even actual historical events and people fiction literature has been inspired by or based upon.

Some topics have obvious links, whereas others might not have obvious links. Engaging with the works of Anne Rice can take fans and critics alike in surprising directions because her work blended so much together to create compelling stories and characters. Anne Rice's work survives her, and her literary legacy is poised to live on for generations to come.

Here also is a section that I've set aside to discuss other works and topics that interest me in their own right. They are not necessarily Mayfair Witches or Anne Rice-related at all, but simply topics I enjoy researching and discussing. As the Parlor moves forward, you might see in various places references to Parlor roots, little tidbits from my own family history that I include to help provide some "real world" insight into works of fiction. Many of these works are inspired by real life events, people and places. The more we learn about those inspirations, the better we understand how even fictional works can and have made a valuable contribution ot our understanding of the world of the past and the world we live in today.

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Digital Dollhouse on YouTube

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This little guy was sent to me by my brother Eric, who is largely responsible for the new, more user friendly design of Come Into My Parlor

Parlor Guests

Since February 24, 2023

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Come Into My Parlor, The Mayfair Witches Parlor © 2008-2024 by Kimberly Hill. All Rights Reserved.